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ADAMITE:Zinc Arsenate Hydroxide Uses: Only as mineral specimens.Adamite is a favorite among collectors of fluorescent minerals because of its consistent bright green fluorescence under short and long UV light. It also makes a wonderful mineral specimen in ordinary light. The typical lime green color of its adamantine (high luster) crystals set on top of its commonly associated red limonite matrix make specimens particularly attractive. Adamite is not easy to mistake for any other mineral. Its bright green fluorescence, high luster, "sub" botyroidal crystal habit, high density, associations, typical bright green color and double triangle terminations make it both an exquisite specimen for a collection and an easy identification. Adamite typically shows a radiating habit that is intermediate between a simple druse and a botryoidal habit which gives a nice glimpse into how botryoidal habits form.
Transparency: Crystals are transparent to translucent.
Crystal Habits include diamond shaped, wedge-like prisms sometimes modified with minor prismatic faces and terminated by
a double triangle. Mostly in druses and radiating clusters that can form wheel and wheat sheaf shapes. Rarely in a perfectly
smooth botryoidal habit like smithsonite, but commonly found with well formed double triangular crystal terminations that
sparkle on the top of the "sub" botryoidal surface.
Cleavage is perfect in two directions at non-right angles to each other (domal).
Fracture is conchoidal.
Hardness is 3.5.
Specific Gravity is approximately 4.4 (heavy for translucent minerals)
Streak is white to pale green.
Other Characteristics: Strongly fluoresces green in short and long UV light.
Associated Minerals are legrandite, limonite, smithsonite, austinite, paradamite, aragonite, calcite, mimetite, conichalcite and
other oxidation zone minerals.
Notable Occurrences include the famous mines at Mapimi, Mexico; also Greece and California and Utah, USA.
Best Field Indicators are crystal habit, color, luster, density, fluorescences and associations.