Color is brown, red, yellow, green, blue, black, and colorless.
Luster is adamantine.
Transparency crystals are transparent to translucent.
Crystal System tetragonal; 4/m 2/m 2/m.
Crystal Habits: dipyramidal and prismatic as discussed above.
Cleavage indistinct in two directions, prismatic.
Fracture is uneven
Hardness is 7.5
Specific Gravity is 4.6-4.7
Streak white
Associated Minerals albite, biotite, garnets, xenotime and monazite.
Other Characteristics: is sometimes fluorescent and darker crystals may be radioactive due to impurities of rare earth elements.
Also index of refraction is 1.92 - 2.01
Notable Occurances Seiland, Norway; Pakistan; Russia; Bancroft and Sudbury, Ontario, Canada and New Jersey and Colorado, USA.
Best Field Indicators are crystal habit, hardness, luster and density.
As a mineral specimen, zircon is uncommon in most rock shops because attractive specimens are rare. However, fine specimens of
well shaped zircons are available and are in demand. The typical simple crystal of zircon is a tetragonal prism terminated with
four sided pyramids at each end. The prism may be lacking and the crystal can look octahedral. More complex crystals have faces
of a less steeply inclined prism that taper the terminations. Also a secondary prism may truncate the primary prism by cutting
off its edges and producing an octagonal cross-section through the crystal. There is even an eight sided pyramid (actually a
ditetragonal dipyramid) that may modify the four sided pyramids. As you can see, zircon crystals can go from a very simple
crystal to a rather complexly faceted form.